Monday, December 16, 2013

Wedding Update

I realize I haven't posted in awhile but getting everything together for a wedding is really, really, time consuming...and the only reason I have time to write this post now is because well, I am feeling under the weather, so other than online shopping for Christmas and things for the wedding, I figured its bout' time I updated this blog of mine (:

I get married in 19 days! well actually according to my wedding countdown its 18 days, 18 hours, and something like 45 minutes.

Honestly everything is coming together really well, I was at first really nervous about having a month and a half engagement, but looking back on it I wouldn't want it any other way, if anything a month and a half was too long! However I know for a fact I wouldn't have been able to get any of this done if it wasn't for my soon to be sister-in-law; Emily. She has been a life saver beyond life savers, heck if it weren't for Edna from the incredibles, I would strap a cape to her back and call her a wedding super hero! But no capes! We have everything out of the way: venue, cake, dress (which I love!) catering, florist, its all about those little decorative details. I am just so excited to see everything come together the day of. We are doing our bridals this thursday and Im so in love with my dress, I honestly cant wait to see my sweet Zac's reaction when he sees it (:

We also have found a place to live! Its a condo in Orem and its close to UVU and close to where Zac works, its an ideal location for us! Its a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo and it has a fireplace, cant you picture the stockings on the mantle? I can! I am honestly really excited about it, and slightly nervous about having to furnish and decorate it and truly make it our home...but thats also the fun part!

Sometimes I think about how crazy I am... no seriously. I am almost 22 years old (yes I round up) and I am about to get married, thats kind of a scary thought, especially in todays world thats riddled with divorce and regret, don't you think? I cant begin to tell you how many times people ask me "are you sure?" or "are you getting nervous?" To answer your questions; Yes, I am 110% sure I want to marry this man. And to top it off, I really can't wait to either. I saw this on Pinterest today, and shoot me for being a woman and connecting with something on Pinterest, but it said "Youre one of the people I never asked from God, but still He gave you to me. I asked Him why, He said, "Because He can fill your life like no one else can." I feel like our relationship is just like that, we both say that we would not have picked each other out for our eternal companion-for our forever. We are so different, our pasts and our lives are so different! However I am beyond grateful that God put Zac in my life, because I know I wouldn't have been able to find someone better on my own. Its kind of a massive comfort to know that in a way, Heavenly Father plopped my husband right in front of me and gave me a few nudges in his direction. But seriously, I haven't felt the Lord's hand in a relationship more than in ours, Zac was placed in front of me because he is seriously the best person for me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the man I am about to marry is going to make me reach my fullest potential, and he will love me fiercely but gently and he will fill my life better than I would know how. I know I am making the right choice and the best choice.  (:

Zac and I have chosen to get married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple, we believe it to be a sacred experience and it will be a blessing in our lives because we believe that instead of our marriage ending at death, we will be together forever, even after this life.  It has been hard explaining this to my family, who are not members of the LDS church, I so badly wish they could be in the temple with me on my wedding day and I know it has been just as hard on them. I found a video that discusses LDS temples that is incredibly thorough, I really loved this video and wanted to share it with my family and friends who are generally curious about LDS temples and the significance of the step I am about to make by being sealed in one. Enjoy!

Also here are some pictures from our engagement session with Ashley Morgan Photography, she was so much fun to work with and I really loved how they turned out (:

P.S. This blog will soon become a Mr.&Mrs.Baxter blog, my hubs to be is a writer and so I offered him to join my blog. He said "id love to if you want me to." my response was this; "whats mine is yours....except for any and all chocolate that will be in our house." ;)

Until next time!

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