Hey Everyone!
I have some big news...I AM ENGAGED! ah I am so ecstatic, happy, excited, giddy, and anxious! Really, I wish it was already January 4th. I can't wait to marry the crap out of that man. haha
Give a big warm welcome to my fiancé; Zachary Baxter. He is the bees knees.
Anyways, I know everyone has been asking for two things; 1) "How did he propose?" & 2) "goodness girl, let me see that ring!"
So ill be honest, I was starting to get a bit irritated that he hadn't actually proposed, my poor boyfriend probably would be a millionaire if he got a dime for every time I asked when he was going to. Call me crazy, but we had set our temple date for over a month without us even being engaged, so you can imagine I was getting a bit antsy pantsy. Oh and the fun fact that he somehow made every date seem like he was going to pop the question, not funny. So it was 11.12.13 the day that he asked, (isn't that fun?) and me and my best friend; Nellie were at my wedding dress fitting and I was just standing there in my dress all mad that I'm in this beautiful gown, about to get married in less than 2 months, and not even technically engaged yet and so i'm letting this steam off at my girlfriend and she's like oh karlie...just be patient, and i retort..don't you think I've been patient enough?! little did I know she knew what was going to be happening later that day. So I get this text from Zac saying; "Hey Babe, lets meet at in n out at 6, you game?" And I'm like fo sho. Okay, lets be honest, I didn't say fo sho. Anyways so I head to in n out and walk in the door looking for Zac, but instead I see my two best friends; Chelsea and Nellie
They go ahead and tell me that they are my escorts for the evening and proceeded to take away my phone, also telling me that we are going lingerie shopping and helping chels to find a dress to emerald ball..what a bunch of sneaks! haha. Anyways, the evening actually planned was a scavenger hunt, and it was so much fun! I'll go ahead and tell you the significance for each location because I didn't take pictures of all the "clues." So In-N-Out is significant because mine and Zac's second kiss was to the song "A whole new world" in the movie Aladdin; I was singing the Jasmine part and all of a sudden, Zac just leaned over and kissed me. It was great, and really cute. Anyways one evening we were hungry and it was midnight and we live in Provo, so naturally the only place open was In N out. So we drive to in n out, go through the Drive Thru and we are sitting in his car eating, and a whole new world comes on, I don't exactly remember whose idea it was but somehow we ended up on TOP of his car, with the windows down, singing a whole new world at the top of our lungs, all the while cars stopped and parked behind us to watch us sing. Which led me to this clue;
His car was parked out front (how I didn't see it, is beyond me) and obviously the clue was on top
Which then took me to where we first met, at work about a year and a half ago.
We both used to work at a company called Bluehost, and funny enough, in the first building we worked at, we used to share a desk, and I'd leave notes for him saying things like "have a good day" or "try to keep the desk clean." just funny things. He thought I was a flirt and I thought he was a major nerd; match made in Heaven, right?
Anyways, that clue took me to the spot where we had our first kiss. Let me just tell you, its a beautiful and romantic place...
The parking garage around the corner from country swing dancing. Told you it was romantic.
Just some background information, my man can dance, however country swing is not his forte. He would come to see me, even though I wouldn't dance with him until the very last song but yet he would keep coming. Anyways he walked me to my car one night, and so I told him I could drive him to his, but instead we ended up talking and he kissed me right before he left. Also this magical and majestic parking garage was where one night, we hung out in my car till about 2 or 3 in the morning and I sang the entire Rascal Flatts CD to him...oh and by the way, I get so nervous about singing. I really have no idea how that happened and he continues to ask what compelled me to do that, but he says he loved every minute of it..lets hope he was being honest because sorry honey, now you're stuck with my singing for life!
That clue led me to his old house in Provo
Where we would roast marshmallows in the fire pit behind his house, where I would murder him at Mario Kart and we would cuddle on the couch in front of his house while it rained.
The next clue took me to my old apartment at The Branbury
This is where Zac first told me that he liked me...and then I proceeded to date two guys after that. However a lot of great things happened here. We would play games, watch movies, make dinner, where he'd nurse me back to health after being sick and going to the hospital, where he helped me write my first talk in church, and helped me pack for the MTC. This is also where I first said "I love you" to him.
This clue then took me to the MTC
Well actually the Provo LDS temple, since you cant really just walk onto the MTC campus anymore. Its where we took pictures and spent some of our last moments together before he and my two best friends (my lovely escorts) dropped me off at the Missionary Training Center...here's a flash back to that day
straight cheesin'
I had no idea where we were going. But I love surprises, and the fact that I hadn't ruined this one due to my own stupid curiosity impressed me...I was really excited, obviously. And I was just really anxious to see Zac.
which I did! Funny thing was I didn't know it was him at first, and in my head I was like his poor friend, I am squeezing his hand to death! And then he said "Do you know where you are?" and I was like Oh thank goodness its you! haha.
He had this wonderful dinner set up, with salmon, broccoli, potatoes, and bread with lemonade and ice cream. We ate dinner while he played a picture montage of our relationship, it was adorable.
My favorite part of the entire proposal was when he said "I know how much your family means to you and I wanted them to be a part of this..so you have some important messages waiting for you on your phone." He then gave me my phone and inside there was texts from each member of my family telling me how much they loved me and how happy they were for me and Zac. I immediately started bawling.
He then got down on one knee and told me that he wants to spend the rest of forever with me and asked me to marry him. I told him it was a stupid question and I wouldn't have it any other way (:
Yes I was crying haha
Oh and heres the ring! I am absolutely in love with it. Its rose gold, has a halo, and the band is ornate but not overdone and the profile is pretty to look at too. From every angle it is perfect. (:
I am one extremely lucky girl to be marrying this man. I can't wait, only 1 month, 19 days, 1 hour and 25 minutes left...
but whose counting? (:

The soon-to-be Mrs. Baxter