On Wednesday, Zac told me to get all dressed up because he wanted to take me to his favorite restaurant which is Carrabbas. I have never been but would appreciate it nonetheless because its Italian food, yum. So I donned a black and white polka dot shirt, maroon pants, and black heels and not only curled my hair but I did all my make up, topped with red lipstick. say what?? this girl got ready. Let me just tell you the food there is amazing and the service was awesome and so on top of it! If you go, get the shrimp scampi and if you love lemonade like I do, get a bit crazy and get the Pina Colada flavored lemonade...its the best thing since I found out Utah gives itself an excuse to keep fireworks around and celebrate a holiday like pioneer day. kidding, not kidding. :P Which speaking of celebrating pioneer day, we headed over to the Hansen's for some fun after dinner. Zac and I somehow got into the Cornhole championship, we were against Zac's cousin and his wife, Mitch and Jess...I was a bit nervous because the first time I ever played this game was on Sunday and let me just tell you, I stunk. hah! But I got a few cornholes, and Zac being the boss that he is just kept matching Mitch each and every time and even scored two cornholes in one shot, it was sweet! Unfortunately, we lost...lets go play some football? I can handle that. no, really. It was fun spending time with Zac's family and watching the fireworks, Ill post the pictures below. But seriously, theres just something about a family that always makes it a point to come together and catch up and have fun, I love that about his family. Hes great and so is his family (:
Thursday I got a few things done, I obviously got assigned a talk and I was confirmed to get set apart by my stake president; President Hatch at 7pm on August 6th. I also got myself a satchel (finally!) I found it online and it looks perfect and exactly what I need for the mission and it was only $23!
I know Heavenly Father is looking out for me, as well at teaching me to be humble and to be okay with not only asking for help but receiving it, I cant tell Brother Bateman enough how thankful I am for how much they have helped me while I prepare for my mission, its been such a huge blessing. So if you see this... again, Thank you! you and your family are amazing!
Other than that I finished all my pre-MTC training. Got some lawyer stuff taken care of as well, for a car accident I was in two and a half years ago. After that I got ready for my best friend; Chelsea's 21st birthday party, she decided she wanted to go to Chili's so Zac and I got her some cupcakes from the Cocoa Bean and I got her a dress that she liked at a really cute store in University Mall called Romy..seriously, to die for things. totally my style. I got 3 cardigans from there for the mission! (: So we had dinner and caught up with friends and celebrated. After that, Zac and I just went back to my apartment and watched P.S. I love you. We couldn't stop laughing at how similar our relationship was to that of the main couple and how he has parts of every single male character in the movie; Gerry(its with a G, I looked it up!), Daniel, and William and I really incorporate Holly and Denise.
Today is a new day! Zac and I are going up to Salt Lake City and Layton, we are getting the money back from the engagement ring...which funny story, we had picked out a new ring the day before we called it off, it was exactly what I wanted. It had a diamond band, a halo and a 3/4 carat...all rose gold. I died. Maybe Ill take a picture of it and post it on here so we can enjoy it and miss it all together. hah, is that awkward or what? oh well. And we are going up to Layton to put his SUV in his uncles shop to see if we can get it fixed. Maybe we will stop by city creek and fulfill Michael's request of taking Zac shopping again before I leave...too bad I'm hesitant, he just looks SO good whenever he wears the things I picked out for him. Really ladies, all these men really need is a woman's touch. With that being said, the goal is to not have Zac be married before I get home, so again Baxter family, take those clothes away while I'm gone! haha kidding..but not really (: After that, we will be visiting his family, then hopefully have time to get my pain medication for my back refilled, and then who knows what else we will do. Ill keep y'all updated, but wish me luck on my talk and my drive through ALL of California next week. I leave Sunday right after church...ah! But I cant wait to see my brother and sister, AND Meg get sealed. It will be fast paced, but good. I'm excited.
with love,