This week has been AWESOME. So many tender mercies, its been so great to see the lords hand sooo much this week, I am so grateful to be a missionary! First off is sweet Beverly, I adore her. She has been wanting to meet with us even more this week and the change in her is becoming more and more distinct, the Lord is softening her heart and seriously its turning to goo. Its great, shes great! She actually READ the assignments we gave her, and not only that but she took notes and wrote down questions too. Then the next visit we had planned to teach her something completely different but we kept getting prompted by the spirit to teach her about the power of prayer and how she can recieve personal revelation through the scriptures. We asked her what question she wanted to ask Heavenly Father and we promised that she would recieve an answer through the scriptures. Funny thing is though, we already said we were going to be reading out of first nephi...and guess what she wanted to have answered..."How can I get better sleep?" uhhhh...we were like oh poop. Because anyone who has read 1st nephi knows...theres nothing about getting better sleep in there. It was hilarious, BUT it turned out great because seriously it turned out to be like a scene out of the District (which is a set of videos that help train missionaries to teach better) and guess what? SHE FELT AND RECOGNIZED THE SPIRIT! she goes " I have this weird warm feeling in my heart" seriously it took all my control to not jump up and point and be like THAT IS THE SPIRIT. But we let her know that that was the spirit and if she were to be baptized she would recieve the gift of the holy ghost and have the companionship of it always. ahh it was so great! shes a doll. We were able to meet with Trinity this week and she is AWESOME. kid you not, shes solid and we have her baptism date set for october 12th, I am so excited for her! Weve been able to meet with her like 3-4 times a week and she will definitely be ready for baptism by then. ah. do you see all these miracles?! But im not even done yet. hah. We finally were able to meet up with Allison again and we were able to teach her the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it was so great because it was Allison and the entire Lyman family and a boy from the ward, so there was like almost 10 people there, it was slightly intimadating but the spirit was there and it was strong and she wants and agreed to be baptized, but shes 17 and so needs permission from her parents so we had to tell her that we cant continue to teach her until we get her parents permission but shes doing that this week (: It has been super tough opening an area and not having anything to go off of and its taken some time to establish the area but we have some really progressing investigators and I can really see the Spirit working in them and their hearts being softened and that their desire is changing and turning towards the Lord. Hard work pays off! We had Beverly, Trinity, Allison, and Neveah ( a girl we taught the restoration and invited to be baptized) come to church! It was awesome! and not only that, They all stayed all three hours. And it was the primary program and a linger it was like the perfect day ever because all these cute little kids were singing and sharing their experiences and testimonies of the gospel and then afterwards we got delicious food. Seriously, it was great and I am happy (:
I know without a doubt that this is the church of Jesus Christ, the same one that Christ established on the earth while he was here. I know that Christ died for us, each and every one of us, not only did he take upon himself the sins of the world but all of our pains, disease, and afflictions. I know that because of His sacrafice, I am not alone and never will be. I know that Jospeh Smith was a prophet and by the power of God was able to translate the Book of Mormon and that The Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Heavenly Father communicates with us through them. I love this gospel, I love being a missionary, I love knowing that I am a child of God and that He loves me and that He loves you.
quote of the week:
-While in the elevator at the hospital-
Man: "are you two sisters?"
Us: "No, We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
Man: "Oh! So youre angels!"
Love you all!

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