Enough said. Hah, I could leave this letter with the subject line alone and it would sum up this week best. Anyways, I always like dishing out the good before the bad, so dont you dare scroll down to the bottom and pass all the good stuff, because trust me its good! hah, anyways I actually wrote down things throughout this week so hopefully this letter will come off more organized and put together. It is SO easy to forget what happened earlier in the week, because you do so much every single day! Earlier this week we went and taught Shikah who was the hindu lady that we met at the park, I dont know if I mentioned her. Anyways we taught her and her mom and her husband in their house. It was so interesting because they dont believe in Jesus Christ and they believe in multiple Gods, like for example they believe that in essence a cow is a god. really, thats even the example they used. It was interesting, but it was fun being able to simplify the restoration and the basic beliefs of Christianity to the best of our abilities. Her mom was pretty interested and asked if we could get her a hinde book of mormon...uhh you kidding? OF COURSE I CAN. hah it was a fun experience, especially offering a prayer at the end of the lesson. They didnt understand it, and kept asking what the objective or purpose of it. Im like because Heavenly Father loves you and wants to hear from you! If I didnt know the importance of prayer before i came on the mission, I definitely know it now. by golly. prayer is essential! On Wednesday we had new missionary training, so all the new missionaries and our trainers went to the mission home for most of the day and were taught by president and sister clements and the assistants to the presidents, it was mainly about planning and contacting. It was fun, until my kidney stones started acting up, but ill get to that later. It was great to see my MTC zone again and to catch up. After the missionary training we had exchanges again, I went to shingle creek with sister ballif. It was awesome! Shingle creek is like Africa, kid you not. practically everyone there is from that continent and it is awesome because the people are so humble and willing to listen, it is such a stark contrast to eden prairie, but it made me appreciate it so much more and I know that if i ever get the change to serve in an area where people are more receptive like that, its because of serving in eden prairie that I wont take those circumstances for granted. Within the 48 exchange that i was there, I saw a fight, ate african spinach rice with some weird fish body thing..dont ask me what it was, because i wasnt going to ask either haha, taught more lessons in two days than I otherwise would have taught in a week, learned the liberian handshake (its sweet), ate pho (miss it so much!) and spoke spanish which was fun! and ultimately had an amazing time. But what it made it more amazing was these three things: First person we contacted had just gotten out of prison three weeks ago and had been there for years, he even had the bracelet on his foot on (he showed us) and both of his parents had committed suicide. This man has gone through a lot, we were able to teach him the resoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you could just see within minutes of us talking that he could feel the spirit and that the spirit was touching his heart. I loved being able to share it with him and I hope that the sisters will continue to teach him, so that he can access the atonement and feel God's love for him even more. second tender mercy was when we were tracting into an apartment building, we tracted into this girl named allyssa, she is 16 and hispanic and shes seriously the cutest girl ever. We taught her the restoration and invited her to pray. She had never prayed before, it was so humbling to teach her how to talk to our heavenly father and what it means. She was so nervous! and it reminded me so much of all the times the missionaries would invite me to pray and I would refuse because i too was nervous, So we offered to pray first and afterwards we invited her to. It took about 10 minutes but she did it, and it was the sweetest prayer I had ever heard, and she said she even felt good after saying it. The spanish sister missionaries will be going back and giving her el libro de mormon and teaching her. I just remember walking away from her apartment and thinking "that was amazing, I love being a missioanry." Seriously, its the smallest things that make my day now. Afterwards, we had an appointment with the brueshabers, brother brueshaber has been investigating for some time now but still had some issues with certain things. The lesson started off well enough and then sister baliff started asking him the baptismal interview questions, he had three issues: tithing, joseph smith, and thomas s monson being a prophet of God. I dont think it was a mistake for me to be there that day, and neither did brother brueshaber, because as we came across his concern for tithing, i was able to share my experience and my testimony of tithing and afterwards he was just silent and then asked "who was in charge of getting her here?!" and Sister Baliff just goes "God." He committed himself to pay the law of tithing and the spirit was so strong! afterwards he said he had an issue with joseph smith and modern prophets. So we asked him if he believed that the book of mormon was the word of God and he said yes, and we just looked at each other and in unision sister baliff and I flipped to the introduction and had him read the last two paragraphs, and afterwards we just sat in silence for about a minute and let the spirit teach him. After about a minute we extended the invitation of baptism and he said yes. YESSSS! it was incredible, and I am so glad I was able to be there for it. Such a great week We had two exchanges this week so I missed a lot of the happenings in Eden Prairie, but Beverly is still progressings and we are meeting with her again today. Also a girl named Trinity is moving to eden prairie today, she was in the young single adult ward and being taught by the sisters there, but we are taking over. Apparently shes a hoot so I cant wait to meet her and her mom! Her mom got baptized two months ago and apparently trinity is solid, we just have to go over a few a things before she gets baptized.Anyways heres the bad news, if you want to keep it on a happy note, just exit out of this E-mail. Hah but anyways, we dont know whats exactly wrong, the test that came from the urgent care came back negative, so it wasnt what they were thinking. Im thinking it is kidney stones...the pain has been extremely severe to the point where its causing me to be physically sick and cant move. I have a doctors appointment today so hopefully ill have answers next week, so please keep me in your prayers. I know that they work miracles! (:
Anyways, love you all! Also remember that every decision you make either brings you closer or further from Jesus Christ. Choose the right! :)

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